• Data: June 1st to 2nd, 2021
  • Horário: 13h00 to 16h00
  • GMT: +3 GMT - Vilnius
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Local: Tourism Collective Channel
  • Compartilhe:

Tags de Interesse:

Europa, Outros serviços, Destinos, Inglês,

Our industry has been transformed by the CV19 pandemic. Consumer and trade demand has changed as has the very nature of travelling itself. To compete successfully in the post-CV19 environment, we must have the most up to date market information and will need to be competitive, skilled-up and adaptable.

Andy Fairburn
Andy Fairburn
Nordic Tourism Collective
Paul Wagner
Paul Wagner
Nordic Tourism Collective

In our training modules, you will learn:

• Which markets and which sectors will be first to travel?
• What will the new traveller look like,how will they travel?
• What products will they be looking for?
• How about product creation?
• How to market and sell my existing and new products?
• Which markets to focus on?
• How to go about creating sustainable products?